Off-road vehicle buyers today will spend a significant amount of shopping time online, researching what brands and models best fit their needs and budget, but purchase add-ons like extended warranties often get much less focus. If you are a shopper, you might ask yourself, “The vehicle is new and covered by the factory warranty, so why bother with extended coverage? If the brand gets favorable reviews, then I should have little to worry about, right?” or “Is it worth paying the additional cost for coverage I might never use?”
In this article, we’ll cover the basics of TRACKER OFF ROAD extended warranties, and other questions that might not typically come to mind, so you will be more informed about the benefits even on top of factory warranty coverage.
The TRACKER OFF ROAD extended warranty kicks in when the factory warranty expires. That can be for 12, 24, 36 and even 48 months, depending on the coverage you need. This comprehensive warranty covers every component on the vehicle, with exception of the lead-acid battery.
There are no deductibles, hidden fees or service charges. Those are covered by TRACKER OFF ROAD when the vehicle is serviced. You can purchase the extended warranty when you buy the vehicle and add the cost to your finance plan. Or, you have up to 90 days after taking ownership to buy it separately.
What is more, this is a factory-backed warranty. That means every aspect of the repairs are handled by any TRACKER OFF ROAD dealer, no matter where you happen to be. Another great element of this warranty is that the service technicians doing the work are current on your new model, and they will be using the latest technology and factory-recommended parts.
Most of all, you get the peace of mind knowing your vehicle is part of the Bass Pro Shops and TRACKER family. These brands have for 41 years of experience helping Americans access the outdoors, with products that are backed by the best warranties and customer service in the outdoor world.
Another crucial question. We discussed the TRACKER OFF ROAD Warranty above. Knowing what you are getting from the extended warranty always involves reading the finer print. It is a must with extended warranties, because coverage can vary by plan. Most extended warranties will fundamentally cover mechanical parts and specific items. Above all else, and especially with an off-road vehicle, you need to find out how the manufacturer interprets normal use. Prior to discussing, it will help to have a solid idea for how you plan to use the vehicle, and under what conditions.
ATVs and side-by-sides each have specific uses with shared capabilities. They all can operate off-road, and most do well in rugged terrain in all kinds of environmental conditions. But you should also ask yourself these questions when thinking of how you plan to use the vehicle.
What kind of weather and climate will you most often encounter when riding? What type of terrain will you be riding across? Will the vehicle be used for towing or hauling?
The peace of mind that comes with an extended warranty might be for you if the answers go beyond the occasional trail ride. The best off-road vehicles are manufactured to stand up to just about anything the rider encounters under safe conditions. There are situations where something can happen that requires maintenance above and beyond the norm.
Here is a second question to consider...
You will likely put more than average hours on the vehicle if used for farming, ranching and chores on your property. The same goes for outfitters and guides. The hours will rack up when making daily round-trip runs from base camp to the hunting areas. if that sounds like you, then the peace of mind coming with the extended coverage might be worth the investment.
Extended warranties can cover repairs and other issues for up to four years after the initial factory warranty expires. That’s something to keep in mind if long-term ownership is the plan.
Here’s something else to consider. You might be tempted to go with a cheaper third-party warranty. If you are thinking of those, read on. Service can be a problem as only a few select dealers might honor the contract. Technicians performing the work could be unfamiliar with servicing your new model. What is more, the parts might not be factory recommended by the manufacturer. Here is one more reason to be cautious about third-party warranties. Some have deductibles that must be met to do the work. Add it all up and the risk might not be worth the savings.
Extended warranties might be for you if you plan to keep the vehicle for more than a few years. You get the assurance that should an issue arise, that it will be paid for if covered by the warranty. Extended warranties might not be for you if the vehicle is only occasionally used, or if you plan to trade or sell it within a year or two.
You can purchase an extended warranty and have it included in the financing. For some extended warranties, you can wait until after the purchase is made. If you do that, expect to pay the full price up front when you sign the contract, but it will give you time for final considerations before the deadline passes.